Officers, West Jefferson Post 201

The current officers of the post are:

Commander – Mike O’Reilly   PH:  614-557-7315

1st Vice Commander – Kent Stryker  PH:  614-318-9770

2nd Vice Commander – Gene Smith

Adjutant – Tina Beckwith

Finance Officer – Terri Kovalchik

Sergeant-at-Arms – Gary Heiman

Chaplain – Bob Penry (also Service Officer)  PH:  614-582-4089

Trustees:  Tina Beckwith, Skeeter Nelson, Andy Estep

The duties of the officers and trustees are given below.

Duties of the Officers of the Post are defined in the American Legion National Officers’ Guide.
The Executive Committee is comprised of the post officers and two additional post members. The duties of this committee are outlined in the post constitution and bylaws.
The trustees oversee the physical facility of the post as outlined in the post constitution.
The Commander as the executive head of the post directs the regular meetings of the post using the guidelines for meetings included in the National Officer’s Guide.  He conducts the meeting using Robert’s Rules of Order.  The Post Commander has full authority to enforce the provisions of both the National and Departmental by-laws.  He/she shall perform such duties as directed by the Post Executive Committee.
The First Vice Commander shall assume and discharge the duties of the post in the absence of the Post Commander or when called upon by the Post Commander.  The First Vice Commander is normally in training to step up to the position of Post Commander.  The First Vice Commander chairs the membership committee.
The Second Vice Commander assumes the duties of the First Vice Commander upon absence or disability.  The Second Vice Commander is responsible for programs, finding speakers and building a strong social calendar for the post.
The Adjutant acts as the secretary of the Post, keeping minutes, replying to correspondence, and keeping the records of the post including membership records.  The duties of the adjutant are vital to the smooth running of the post and are comparable to those of a First Sergeant or a First Mate. 
The Finance Officer is the treasurer and the custodian of the funds of the post and maintains fiscal records.  The Treasurer collects fees and dues, and monies from fund raisers, makes deposits, disburses funds, and reports fiscal activity and balances at a Regular post meeting of the month. The Finance Officer prepares and submits necessary financial reports to governmental entities.
The Service Officer maintains contact with other veterans and service organizations and Legion channels.  Maintains publication and forms and provides information on veteran’s rights and benefits.  Special attention should be given to newly discharged veterans of more recent wars and conflicts who are unlikely to know their benefits. Also maintains medical equipment for loan.
The Chaplain must be a person capable of moral and intellectual leadership and one who will bring dignity and respect to the office.  The Chaplain offers prayers at post meetings and other events when called upon.
The Sergeant-at-Arms is responsible for the physical arrangement of the Meeting Hall and leads honor guards, burial details, and pageantry.  The Sergeant-at-Arms is responsible for proper flag etiquette. 
The Historian (CURRENTLY VACANT IN POST 201) working in conjunction with the Adjutant, sees that important records are archived at local and state libraries.  The Historian is to prepare an annual report of post activities and forward it to the Department Historian.
The Judge Advocate (CURRENTLY VACANT IN POST 201) supplies professional advice in the conduct of post business and ensuring that the post follows the guidelines of both the National and Departmental constitutions and by-laws.